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Overcoming the Impossible

We all face trials and hard times throughout our lives. We question why things happen and praise God when we see Him working and involved in our lives. But, I want to know that no matter what happens in the future I will stay close to God and not lose hope or my faith in Him. I know that many more trials lie ahead and I am afraid to think what I may have to go through. God will always bring us through things we never thought were even possible. God can make ways when we thought there was no way possible.

Often I try to handle things on my own and take situations in my own hands and don't ask for God's help. Today I prayed about something and that God would just take my life and work through it and give me the words to say since I was afraid. God worked through my circumstances and showed me that He will help me through even the toughest of times in ways I thought were truly impossible.

Maybe you are afraid of something that you will have to face? maybe you feel like this one situation will never turn out right? maybe you are at a dead end and you just can't fix something? maybe you want to give up but you can't find the strength. So many things make us feel like we are incapable and won't meet up to certain tasks that lie our way. We can't do things on our own- but with God's help all things are possible. We never know what a simple heartfelt prayer to God asking to help us through something will do. We never know the outcome when we pray to God with sincere faith and trust. So if you need guidance or help- go to God in prayer- He will help you through!

Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."
Luke 18:27

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