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What If?

I had recently gotten a devotional book for my birthday- "Devotions for the Soul Surfer" by Bethany Hamilton. I don't know if you saw the movie "Soul Surfer" or not but I recommend it!! Anyways I have been reading the devotionals she wrote and one in particular really stuck out to me so far. I decided to share my thoughts.....
So many times we do things that we will regret later. I have done thousands of them. I look back and I feel regret and guilt inside of me for things I have done and wish I could take them back. But the thing is- you can't!! What if I hadn't said that about my friend? What if I went to church instead of sleeping in? What if I had told somebody God loved them instead of passing them by? So many questions....

It's so easy to keep thinking about what we could have done and torturing ourselves for it, but God wants us to forget what we did in the past and get our minds in the present. He forgives us for what we have done in the past. If we aren't living in the present and only focusing on the past circumstances we cannot truly focus on what He wants us to do now!

So pretty much what I am trying to say is that when you feel like you are in distress about things you messed up on in the past- forgive yourself for them and remember if you ask God to forgive you, He will. Live for Him now and do the things you wish you had done in the past!!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

2 Corinthians 5:17


  1. Thank you for posting this!!!

    God Bless


    P.S. Do you use the KJV for your Bible?

  2. KayleeBeth-

    Well, for my Bible I use for my devotions and church I use a NIV version. I have memorized the KJV and like that version, but the NIV version is easier for me to apply to. But for my blog I usually copy verses from inside my journal which is the Message, but sometimes I copy verses from the internet which are sometimes different versions like KJV or NIV- whatever version I like better. I hope that answers your question!!

  3. wonderful post! Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog. That really makes my day.

  4. Wonderful post! We are renewed daily in Christ!
    Lauren Nicole
