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Weekly Character Challenge - Week 8

Okay, so today is another Weekly Challenge......

How did you do last week? It was about being kind to those who may not be kind or care in the least about you. Did you show love to someone that might be feeling neglected or alone? I would love to hear how you made out!!!!

       Okay, now for this week's challenge!! This week is HONESTY- this week be honest. When someone asks you a question- tell them the truth and don’t make up a lie. Be truthful and don’t try to cover up for your feelings. Be yourself and don’t try to be fake. 

      Often we have a hard time being honest with our actions and who we really are and try to cover up our feelings or who we really are. This week try to be honest with your friends, family and others. Show who you really are and tell the truth throughout the week!! 

      I thought if you would like to participate in the challenge this week you could do a post and kind of  do a "link up" by placing the button on your blog post and stating what this week's challenge is and let others know that you are doing the challenge. 

      Please know that you don't have to do that too, you can participate in it without leaving a comment or doing a post, I just thought it would be a way to spread the challenge out for others to see and also let others know that you are going to participate- but it definitely is NOT a requirement- just a thought!! :)

      Thanks for visiting! And I would love to hear how you made out on last week's challenge and if you are thinking of participating in this week's challenge!! 

      Have a wonderful Monday!