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Pleasing Everyone?

Something I read in my devotions tonight was about pleasing everyone. We may think that we can please everyone and still be ourselves- but it truly isn't possible. I know from my own life that I often try to please everyone so that they will like me and accept me, but in reality I'm not really being the real me- I'm just putting up an act to cover up who I really am. I hate when I can't act like myself infront of others- I like when I can just be myself, but sometimes it is so hard and it just seems natural to act differently. I often act more shy and reserved around others, keep my thoughts to myself and often I am very submissive to others, but when I am at home and with those I feel comfortable with I tend to become more open with my thoughts, speak my mind freely, have more of a sense of humor, and sorry to say, I sometimes have a bad tone of voice with my mom. 
But, I think we all act a little differently around different groups of people- depending on how well we know them or feel comfortable with them. Those we love more we want to "please" more and "fit" their expectations. I often feel like I don't really fit in wherever I go and I try so hard to please others so that they will like me. But, as I read in my devotions tonight- we shouldn't allow others determine who we are and who we become. Everyone expects us to be something different and and have different expectations for us- but we can't please them all!!

It also mentioned in my devotional that Jesus was the same all the time and never changed due to what other people expected of Him. He was confident in Himself and knew that everything He was- was indeed truly sufficient. We have to realize that who God created us to be is sufficient enough and we don't need to change ourselves for others. The only person we need to change ourselves is for God. He is the only one who we should care that is pleased with what we are doing or not. : )

Remember to be satisfied with who God has made you to be and don't let anyone change you for what God wants you to be and all that He has in store for you. You have so much purpose and meaning to your life- don't let someone else take advantage of that and ruin your chance to shine for Christ and be a special individual who loves others in a unique and special way!


  1. So true! I'm a people pleaser, so I find myself struggling with this a lot. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Hannah for your great comment!! :) thanks for dropping by!

  2. I so needed this today...Seriously. I was just thinking about this last night, how I act differently around different people. Like you said, I try to please people to be liked. But it has a sorry outcome, a lot of times I just feel so fake. Thanks for this post!

    1. That's so neat that you were thinking about this last night!! :) I feel the same way as you do!! thanks for your comment!!

  3. Wonderful post--so many times I feel I'm not good enough because I'm not like who my friends are. I sometimes doubt my uniqueness, and doubt that people appreciate me for who I am--but, like you said, I don't have to please everyone and be like everyone to be myself. Great post!!!

    1. So true Hannah- I feel exactly the same way!! Thanks for your heartfelt comment!! :)

  4. That was awesome Britt and so true! Thanks for putting it into words :)

    1. Thanks for your comment Zoe- glad that you liked it!! :)

  5. that is a good point!
    sometimes I try to change to please poeple too. even on blogger.

    very good point. agree with you!

    1. Thanks Rachel!! :) yeah, I also sometimes change myself even on Blogger as well! :) thanks for your comment!!

  6. I've always wanted everyone to like me - a fact that, now as I am older, I realize I cannot possibly accomplish. [Though, part of me still wants this - the flesh)

    I actually changed my personality for a few years (from 12-14) because of that. I became much more serious on purpose because I hated being looked down upon (for I can be rather, well, bouncy and talkative & confuse my words at times because of this) - and I DESPERATELY wanted everyone to like me.

    But, in this life, we simply cannot be men-pleasers - or God will not be pleased. We must choose to be God-pleasers instead -something far, far better!

    Wow, I just preached to myself! I should take the advice of The Spirit within me ;-)

    1. Thanks for sharing your heart Mandie- I have felt this same way before about pleasing everyone. Such encouraging words that you wrote (it's like a mini post...haha) Thanks for sharing and commenting!!!

    2. Yeah, I guess it is! Funny ;-)

      Thanks for sharing your heart on the subject!

  7. Very random question - what font type are you using on your page & sidebar?

    1. My page text (gray) is Hanuman (size 18) and my sidebar and post title is called Crushed (size 24). I hope that helps some :) Let me know if you have any more questions!! :)

    2. Yes, that's exactly what I was wondering =)Thanks!
