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The Effects of Taking Risks

Something that has been in the back of my mind recently and has been aching at my heart is going away to college. I don't want to go away from home and have to make friends and live far away from home and have so much change in my life. I'm scared of the future and keep regretting it. Something I try to keep reminding myself that it is God's plan and He will lead me in the direction I am supposed to go. I am never alone with God- He is always by my side!

I read this in my devotional book a few nights ago and it really inspired me and made me look at my situation a whole lot different. Here is what it said....

"You will never succeed without taking risks, don't be afraid of making mistakes." I also made a design of the quote by Robert Wood Johnson from Johnson and Johnson.....

This really made me realize that taking risks will help us grow and without taking risks we wouldn't grow. Mistakes also helps us learn and grow more too. By taking risks and doing the "hard things" it helps us to grow and learn more about ourselves and so many other things. Also, when we take risks and conquer them it boosts our self confidence.

So, all that to say- Take Risks!! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. love that quote ... one to remember. i was listening to Joyce Meyer today & her message was very similar. with GOD by our side nothing is impossible. nothing we do will make him not love us. we are loved by him unconditionally. give me chills. big hugs to you Britt. no matter what you decide he will be there. through thick & thin. for me too. (:

  2. Thanks so much Beth!! That is neat that it was similar to what you heard :) Thanks for the encouraging words! :)

  3. WOW, Britt, I enjoyed reading this post! Never quit! I was in college once and I wished I stayed instead of listening to the negative opinion of someone else. I chose the wrong class, and I was forced to leave the class or get a flunking grade. So I know how scary it can be to take risks. But God has a purpose I know that even in our mistakes, and turns it into a message to share with others. I will be praying for you as you attend college. Fight for your God-given dreams and you will WIN!!
