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God Is Near

Do you ever just want to feel God near you? Sometimes just knowing that He is near helps me get through the day. It is so reassuring just knowing God is near. How many times I forget, and fail to realize that God is near and He will never leave my side. He will always be there for me. When we seek Him and long for His presence, we will draw closer to Him and we will see things we have never imagined.

When we are near to God we can rest in peace and find relief from all the struggles that we face. It is so hard to keep up with all this world offers and seek peace from all the daily struggles, things we have to get done, places we have to go, people we have to see...just all the responsibilities we have! There is so many things we have to keep up with and accomplish, but when we go to God we can know that He is there for us to let out all or feelings and accept us for who we are. He understands how we feel and all that we have to do. It is so nice to know that at the end of everyday God is there for me to go to and talk about my day and pray about the next one that I have to face.

Nobody else compares to God and all that He does for us. There are people who are so encouraging to us and we would hate if they were no longer there, but everyone fails us one time or another. We all get let down by the person we trust in. But God will never let us down, He knows exactly what He is doing and never fails. Even though it may seem like He is letting us down because He doesn't answer how we wanted, that doesn't mean that He has let us down. He has more reasons for our circumstances than we know of. He will never disappoint us or let us down.

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not; for I am with you. Be not dismayed; for I am your God. I will strengthen you; yea, I will help you; yea, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness

It is through the Lord's love that we have not come to destruction, because His mercies have no limit. They are new every morning; great is your good faith. I said to myself, The Lord is my heritage; and because of this I will have hope in Him.

Lamentations 3:22-24

This is a song that I have really enjoyed and recently found- if you get a minute, maybe you could listen to it.  : )

Draw Me Nearer by Meredith Andrews


  1. That's so true! God is always with us! Through our bad times and good times! We should never be afraid of anything BEACUSE god is ALWAYS by our side! He will never leave us! Thank you for this great reminder

  2. I love Meredith Andrews! Amazing!

  3. Thanks Claudia for your comment- how very true!! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks Becca for your nice comment as well- yeah, I like Meredith Andrews as well!! :)
