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New Devotional Study!

I'm excited to announce the release of my latest devotional study entitled "Enough."

In a world that constantly drives us to find our satisfaction in anything but God, it can leave us feeling empty and our attitude fluctuating with our circumstances. In this devotional study I share ways in which you can look at your life full of stress, worries and unmet desires and find a steadfast joy knowing that God is truly enough.

Check out this study, along with additional products online...

Purchase Now!


  1. Neat! So did you design this book?

    1. Thanks Brooklyne! Yep, I designed the booklet :)

    2. That's cool! Hey, I just tagged you over at my blog in the "Tags!!" Page if you want to check it out! I wasn't sure if you do tags on your blog or not, so you don't have to do it if you don't want to. :)

    3. Aww, thanks so much Brooklyne for the tag! I currently don't do tags on my blog, but thanks so much for tagging me, that was super thoughtful of you!! :)

  2. Always put God in the center of your life.
