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Focusing on the Negatives of Life

Sometimes our lives feel like a mess. Like nothing in our life is even stable or constant. It seems like every day life changes. Circumstances change our outlook and our emotions fluctuate.

Right now everyday is a challenge to get through. Each day seems to get harder and I feel like I'm giving everything I've got and I'm growing weak. Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. We feel like we've been giving it our all and getting nothing in return. We've had hopes for the future and the dreams we had for ourselves have been shattered.

Recently life has been one bad day after another. It's hard to find hope and strength in my life right now and there doesn't seem to be a nearing break to this dark storm. I feel like I've reached a point in my life where I just can't take it anymore. I can't take the rejection, criticism, stress or daily problems each day. I just need strength. I'm just so tired of doing everything on my own. I'm tired of not feeling God with me and giving me strength. I feel like there is an ache within me that just isn't leaving and I feel like it's destroying me and wearing me down.

Even when we are going through our darkest night and it seems like there's no hope in the future we can know that God is still shining brighter than ever in our lives. We may not feel His presence or even hear His voice, but He is near to you. Sometimes we feel so far away from others when they are really right in the next room. Sometimes we feel the same way with God- we feel like He is so distant, but in reality He's right inside you encouraging you on. It is through these times when you feel far from God that it brings you closer to Him and lean on Him.

Your heart might be hurting and your emotions are making you feel like you can't go on. Sometimes Satan uses our emotions and thoughts to bring us down. Focus on the positives in your life- don't let the negatives overtake you. Take the time not to focus on the negatives in your life.I encourage you to think of at least 10 positives in your life right now. Go through them in your head. We all need to be encouraged and not discouraged by the doubts and negatives we hear. I know there are many times when I only focus on the negatives and don't acknowledge the positives in my life.

Sometimes it seems like our life is only full of negatives when in reality we are just picking out the smallest bad parts in our life and not focusing on all the positives that are coming out of the circumstances we are in. Often it is through the most negative of situations that we discover the greatest purposes for our lives. Life is not only about what we are going through and the difficulties we face but rather the way we react and respond to the twists we face in the road.

Take time today to focus on the positives in your life, it will make you feel encouraged from the negatives we constantly throw at ourselves each day. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy and go to hard on ourselves. Remember that you have purpose. You have potential. You are important. You have worth. You are beautiful. You are going to make it. You will be rewarded for everything you're doing. You are made for an eternal home. You aren't defined by the negative remarks people make. You are special. You are loved by an everlasting God.

Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.

Psalm 126:5-6


  1. I want to give you a hug! Taking care of yourself is a gift to God. Make a point of going somewhere where you'll encounter beauty, or call or visit someone who is a good listener, or read your favorite novel. Like you said, it's so hard sometimes to feel lightness and joy, so we have to help ourselves and go to those places where it's possible to feel it. If I knew you in person I'd take you out for a cup of tea, but since I don't, I hope you take yourself out, and maybe with a good friend!

    1. Aww, thanks so much!! Your comment was so encouraging :) Thanks for caring!
