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God Sees the Unseen

Do you ever feel as though your hard work goes unnoticed? Like everyone doesn't see the effort you put into things? You go above and beyond and all everyone else sees is a person who tries too hard. Others could care less about working hard and doing an efficient job, and sometimes you feel like you're the only one who tries and works your best.

Maybe you feel like you are too considerate and put yourself before others too much that they take advantage of you? Sometimes others only care for themselves and don't take the time to look to other's needs. I know I often am included in that group myself and sometimes don't care as much as I should about others. Jesus put Himself before others and was a servant. If the God of the universe put others before Himself and became so humbled I sure have to meet some high expectations.

Sometimes people are so self-consumed that they don't even seem to care about anyone but themselves and it gets quite sickening to see. But if all they care about is themselves they don't have much happiness in their lives. Most of what makes me happy is helping others and caring for them. And without that I don't think I'd feel happy or have any meaning to my life.

God told us to be living a life for Him and setting an example to others. He wanted us to show others His love and be different from those of this world. If all we are doing is caring about ourselves we aren't showing much of Christ to the world. If all we are doing is just "getting by" and doing enough work to "wing it" and being lazy it sure doesn't seem like God would be rewarding us with a "well done good and faithful servant." We as Christians should be living a life that is so different and extraordinary than the rest of the world so they can see that we are different and we live out what we believe.

Often people who work hard and care for others get unnoticed and often feel unappreciated for the work they do. But getting appreciation or praise for being kind or working hard is not what it iis all about. God wants us to do it with a willing heart and with the right motives. God never expected praise or applause, He did them because He wanted to. Nobody else may seem to know how much you are trying and how much effort it takes, but know that God does! Even though it's not about anyone seeing, it sure is nice knowing that God sees all we do and we will be rewarded for whatever we are doing down here. God is fair and He will reward each of us justly. He won't give someone else something just because He likes their appearance or they are His favorite. He looks inside and sees the true inner motives they have.

So don't give up working hard and caring for others. Take an extra step this week and do something nice for someone or maybe work harder on that assignment you have! If you don't feel any determination to do it for your boss, teacher or family member- just do it for God!

Colossians 3:23-25
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, there is no favoritism.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

 Hebrews 10:35-36
So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to preservere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.


  1. Beautiful post Britt!! :) Hope you doing well.

    stop by,

    1. Thanks so much Jenna!! :) I'm doing pretty good- hope you are too!
