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Single on Valentines Day {poem}

Everyday goes by and the chances seem down to none
Every day seems to leave me with a slimmer chance that I'll meet "the one"
Being single for every single valentines day of my 20 years of living leaves me feeling worthless, ugly and unloved
Will there ever be a Valentines day that I will actually be totally known and still loved?
Loved for who I am completely 
And not just loved for who I am because I am part of the same family
I've never been on a date, never been in a relationship
And often I get discouraged if I'm even worth it
Seeing so many others with a boyfriend
Leaves me with an emptiness unable to mend
I often wonder if someone out there will love me for who I am inside and out
How many years have gone by and I'm still alone, it leaves me with so much doubt
Sometimes I loose hope that God has someone special planned for me 
Someone who can look past all the other pretty girls and notice me, whom everyone else fails to see
There have been a few guys along the way
But none of them cared much to stay
But I'll keep waiting and trust in God to lead me
And He'll bring the right guy along if we are meant to be
And in the meantime, I can grow closer to God so that when we meet our walk with God will be strong
So that through the hard times we can keep each other accountable and help each other along

But for now, I can remember that I'm always loved by a special Someone
God's the love of my life even from the minute my life had begun
I don't need a guy's attention to make me feel complete
I have God and I know He'll never break my heart or cheat
God has shown me that He's all I need
So I will wait for the right guy to come along and let God take the lead
I don't know how long it will be or when 
But if I continue to trust in God, He will lead me where He wants me just like He always has been
So I'm just gonna be me and leave the rest up to God
He's got everything under control and loves me even when I do feel flawed
I don't have to impress Him or appear "suitable"
Cause He sees my heart, pain, flaws and still sees "beautiful"
So, I'm waiting for the right guy and not rushing into things
I'm trusting in God cause I know His way is always for my best and He always knows what He's doing.
 God's love for us will never fail or end
He'll be there for us and He'll be our best friend.
We are never alone, never unloved
Cause God promises to always show us His unconditional love!


Romans 8:38-39
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.  No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  1. This is really sweet, sad, happy, etc all mixed into one.

  2. Love it, Britt. Very well written! I know how you feel and Valentine's Day is one of the hardest times to be alone. Especially when everyone is bragging and posting pictures of what they received from their special someone.

    Your attitude can make all the difference though, and turning to God is the absolute best thing to do in lonely times. We are never truly alone! :)

    1. Thanks Jessica for your comment!! :) glad you enjoyed it!!
