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Why? {& New Design}

As you probably can tell I have updated my blog to a more fallish design. I decided it is time to change the design from a summer look to fit the season a little bit better. Feel free to vote on my poll of what you think of it :)

I know I haven't posted in a while, I just haven't felt anything on my heart to share I guess.

 Lately I've been having a hard time feeling content in the place where God has put me. I've been searching to be other places than where I am right now and I just want to break free of where God has me right now. I've been rushing through each day waiting for it to be over while I'm in this "place" and not really living where God has me right now. I've been trying to find God where I am and seeking Him, but I just feel like I can't grasp Him here. I know He is here with me but I just don't feel that closeness as I once felt.

Lately I have have been feeling annoyed with myself as I have not been able to show the love I once used to. Maybe it's grown too tiring? maybe I've been slacking? Maybe God's been telling me to not become too vulnerable? I don't know, but the love I once found myself showing everyone has become a lot harder to show towards the people here at college. Maybe part of it is having to live with them as well. I feel like my heart has been battered and beated with so many different emotions recently and I don't know how much I can handle feeling neglected, used, walked on and ignored.

It's so hard to get focused on what we want in this life. Where we want to be. Who we want in our lives. What we deserve. What we think we need. I have to continually remind myself that my needs and God's needs for my life are totally different. I feel like I need so many things right now in my life, but God hasn't been fulfilling them. God must have more faith in me than I do in myself since I didn't think I could handle living without the things I wanted, but I guess God knows I can.

Maybe you aren't content with where God has placed you. Maybe you wished you were back at your old school. Maybe you wished you had different friends. Maybe you wished your family was closer. Maybe you wish you had more friends. Whatever it may be, know God has placed you where you are right now for a specific reason. God never allows things to happen without there being a purpose- and a good purpose at that! Don't go rushing through this season in your life. Use this time God has given you to fulfill your purpose where He wants you right now. Don't be afraid of where God has you. He wants to do something spectacular with your life- you just have the courage to do it.

Philippians 4:12-13
 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


  1. your new design is absolutely beautiful :) :)

  2. I absolutely LOVE the new design!! Do not be discouraged in this time you are going through. My pastor's message this morning was about how as Christians we will have trials and tribulations, but the Lord is always there to carry us through them. He stated that, we will enter the trial "knowing about God" and leave the trial behind "knowing God". Do not be discouraged. There is a reason for everything, although you may not know the meaing quite yet.

    1. Aww...thanks Kelsi!!!! Your comment truly inspired me and left me feeling hopeful and encouraged. I actually read it twice before leaving for class today. Thanks for your comment Kelsi!

  3. I love the new design! Fall is my favorite time of year. :) The verses from Philippians you share are some of my very favorite Bible verses. Paul was certainly a good model for contentment. I am struggling with this right now...it's very hard to recognize and be okay with the fact that God's plans are different than my own. While it's quite terrifying at times, it's really the only hope I have. I know that God has big plans for my future...this isn't all there is.

    1. Thanks Jessica!! :) Glad you like the new design!! That's cool that those are some of your favorite verses- they are mine as well! Such true words! I'll be praying for you as you seek to find God's plan :)

  4. As I read this post, I kept reading my own emotions. Why can't I live in a better house? Why can't I love everyone around, including the jerks? My answers are these: maybe I live in this house to show me humility. Maybe I can't love everyone because I don't want to get to know them and know what troubles they might be going through. Maybe it's also because I don't really love Jesus the way I say I do. I do love Jesus, but why isn't that love showing through my life? God has a purpose for where we are right now.
    And a few weeks ago, my pastor preached on enjoying God's presence. That message helped me because I didn't feel close to Him like I used to. He said that we needed to be committed to God; clean, cleansed from sin that we might not know about; contrite, miserable over sin everywhere - not just our sin, everyone's sin. We need to be humble and praying.
    Maybe praying and taking these emotions to God and just letting Him know your heart and how you feel will help. It's always helped me, because it makes me realize that God is right here and asking me to give Him my heavy load.
    I hope this has helped.

    1. Thanks Heidi for your encouraging comment. What great thoughts you shared. Thanks for being an encouragement and for taking the time to share! :)

  5. Praying for you Britt! (You can look at my blog on Wednesday if you want; I have a post about troubles and trials, that I found really encouraging, coming on that morning)
    Hang in there!
    Brooke <3
    (thanks again for my awesome header!!!)

    1. Thanks Brooke!! I'll do my best to remember to look at your blog on Wednesday!! :) I'd love to hear your thoughts on that topic- totally could use that right now!! :) Thanks Brooke! :) Aww...you are so welcome!
