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Is God Is There?

Lately it seems like God has been far away in my life. I feel like I'm going to Him but first trying to accomplish things on my own. Life has been so stressful and busy lately and I feel like I just haven't had the time to go to Him and ask for help as often as I once used to.

Dreamy colors.If you are feeling overwhelmed with circumstances and trials know that when things seem to be crashing down and buzzing past you like a speed-train just stop for a second and ask God to be with you and help you through the trials. Those few seconds in prayer could help you more than anything you can imagine.

During the hard times that is when we need God most. Thank God for what He has done in your life and for being there for you. God will help you through and give you the strength if you keep going to Him. Nobody can accomplish everything on their own- it takes trust and faith in God to help us accomplish all that He has asked from us. So don't be afraid to ask for help- we all need help!

One way I find myself getting closer to God is to pray in a quiet place or spend a few minutes outside at night looking up at the stars. Maybe just reading the Bible for a little bit longer can help draw you closer to Him too.

God may seem far from you right now but know He is standing right there beside you leading you on. He will never leave you or forsake you. He always has been with you through even the darkest nights. Something that I thought I might share that may seem kinda random....the other day while I was walking alone home from college I saw my shadow on the sidewalk and saw how lonely it looked and all I could do is just picture God's shadow there right beside me being my friend and not making me feel so lonely. So, even though God may seem invisible in your life right now and you wonder where He might be- know that He is there waiting for you to go to Him and is walking right beside you all the way!


  1. I'm so sorry your spirit is in a difficult place today. And yet, even through your pain you testify to God's goodness and love.

    The Holy Spirit is working a good thing in you. And on days when I'm down it helps to encourage others just as you are doing despite your suffering.

    I imagine that Esther and Ruth and Mary all had days when their spirits were overwhelmed. And yet in their examples we see how, just as you said, prayer made all the difference. And in Esther's case she asked for prayer from others too.

    There is so much power in prayer. But even when we can't find the strength to pray for ourselves God is faithful. Just as he pulled Peter out of the waters when he called out for help, so Jesus will do for each of us when all we can do is cry out.

    God bless you and I will pray you regain spiritual inspiration and fortitude.

    1. Thanks Sincerty for your nice comment!! yeah, I agree it does help to encourage others when you are having a bad day- it helps you feel better!! Thanks for your prayers and comment!!

  2. Britt-I like this post a lot especially the part about your shadow. Sometimes I do that in the car, if I am driving to a place I may not want to go I look over and pretend He is sitting right beside me, there going with me. God is molding you into a wonderful piece and it takes a lot of pressure and stress to get you there. You are going through this probably now, but God knows you can handle it or else He wouldn't want you to be that "shape", who you may be may need more modeling and will be even better than the wonderful person you are now. If that makes any sense. I definitely agree that the more time spent reading and praying to God even a few extra mins can make a difference in feeling closer to God. When I feel lonely and look up to the stars and realize that we are worth more that all the beautiful nature around us it is a wonderful awing feeling. Thanks for always sharing how you feel and being an encouragement!

    1. Lay, thank so much for your comment!! yeah, I like looking up at the stars too and feeling like God is with me. Thanks for taking the time to be an encouragement to me and leaving comments on my blog!!

  3. Britt, I have nominates you for the Elegant Blogger Award on my blog Into It... Deep! Come on over...
    Heidi Anne<3

  4. Hey Britt! Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and I love you! I needed this post too!

    ~Chasity S.
    (P.S. I just posted today. Yeah, after almost five months of not blogging I actually posted!)

    1. Thanks Chasity for letting me know you posted on your blog!!! Glad you enjoyed the post! thanks for commenting :)

    2. You're welcome! Thanks for commenting on mine! =)
